

    今日Andi又喺網上爆粗發長文,聲稱被自己母親虐待,又指對方虐畜,仲話咸美頓及多倫多兩地均有被母親虐待嘅紀錄:「I don’t mind that there’s no one, not family, nor friends, that care about my girlfriend and I, who have been abused and homeless, and managed to get back on our feet from the ground up, or the fact that police from both Hamilton and Toronto ignore my proof that my mother abused me.」Andi聲稱已經唔在意母親點對待自己,但係虐待愛犬傷到依家嘅情況,佢已經無法接受,認為現今已唔需要任何心理輔導,應該直接將佢收監制裁。

